Artibuff報導: 旅法師營地報導: 魔法風雲會發明人、Artifact設計師 Richard Garfield跟Artibuff證實 Valve已經裁掉他的工作室3 Donkeys 他的證實訊息如下: Yes, contractors included 3 donkeys, which is me and Skaff Elias. Thanks for the warning about publishing, and the offer to keep information private - that won't be necessary. 是的,被裁掉的承包商包括我和Skaff Elias所在的3 Donkeys。感謝你提醒 我是否要對這些消息保密,不過其實不用。 We weren't surprised by the layoff considering how rocky the launch was, the team was enthusiastic about the game and were confident that they had a good product but it became clear it wasn't going to be easy to get the game to where we wanted it. The layoff makes sense for a number of reasons. To name a couple; now that the game is out there time is more critical, so more voices within the team that you have to navigate may not be as good as making less considered decisions faster. Another - the expertise that 3 donkeys brought is less critical after listening to us for 4+ years. 考量Artifact不成功的發行結果,我們對於被裁掉並不意外。 雖然遊戲團隊對這個遊戲充滿熱情,也對它是個好產品很有信心, 但很明顯的要讓遊戲達到我們想到的程度真的很不容易。 我們被裁各方面來看都很合理。隨便舉個例子:遊戲推出之後時程更重要, 與其讓團隊中七嘴八舌多花時間討論,不如少張嘴快點決定的好。 此外我們在團隊裡已經待了4年多了,3 donkeys過去的經驗也越來越不重要了。 Both Skaff and I remain optimistic about the quality of the game and have offered our feedback and advice in an ongoing gratis capacity simply because we would like to see the game do as well as we think it can. We enjoyed working with Valve and I was impressed with their relentless focus on the quality of the game and experience being offered to the player. 我和Skaff仍對Artifact的品質持樂觀態度, 我們也持續向Valve無償提供回饋意見和建議, 只因為我們希望這遊戲能變得和我們預想中的那樣好。 我們過去和Valve合作地挺愉快。他們對遊戲品質和玩家經驗不懈的追求, 令我印象深刻。 Peace - Richard


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